Geohazard Risk Assessments for Operational Safety

At NORSAR we have been conducting research, development, and consulting in seismic hazard and risk since 1975. Leveraging our experience, we develop tailor-made solutions to meet clients' needs. In 2023, NORSAR was entrusted by one of the world’s largest players in operating geothermal infrastructures to develop new software for landslide risk assessments.
Seismic hazard and risk assessment provides insight and with which strength earthquakes can occur and how much damage they may cause. NORSAR uses advanced software solutions to provide the analysis basis in the design phase of construction projects. Our portfolio exceeds 200 seismic risk projects worldwide, spanning critical infrastructure such as nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, dams, tunnels, waste facilities, offshore platforms, and petrochemical plants.
In 2023, NORSAR was entrusted by one of the world’s largest geothermal infrastructure producers to develop a new software tool for landslide risk assessments (SMASH - Systematic Modelling and Assessment of Seismic Hazards). The SMASH software will allow the geothermal operator to carry out landslide susceptibility assessments at various areas for operational and expansion planning purposes.
The SMASH software is designed to provide engineers and stakeholders with detailed information into the likely consequences of seismic ground motion, specifically in relation to landslide susceptibility at both local and regional levels. This innovative tool enables the presentation of ground motion in various intensities, accompanied by quantitative and qualitative landslide susceptibility maps.
The software utilizes a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience. Its flexibility includes the preparation of input data, database management, advanced filtering and selection of parameters options, and the ability to add, remove, or change information. Additionally, the SMASH software facilitates for seamless integration with GIS systems.
As we look to the future, NORSAR remains dedicated to developing state-of-the-art earthquake hazard and risk assessments through research and consulting projects, and to contribute to more earthquake resilient societies.