Microseismic monitoring technology provides solutions for mapping and monitoring induced and natural seismicity. NORSAR's extensive expertise in real-time seismic monitoring makes us an ideal partner for designing and overseeing all types of microseismic projects, including CCS, geothermal, and other reservoir development initiatives.

NORSAR is among the world’s leading centers of expertise for microseismic assessments and software solutions. We detect, locate, and interpret microseismic events. Microseismic monitoring reduces operational risk and contributes to the increased utilization of oil reserves in a safe manner. This monitoring technology is also crucial for ensuring the safe storage of underground nuclear waste, as well as for mining and harvesting geothermal energy.

We are constantly working to improve our technology and are involved in several industry and research projects.

Our Services

  •  Microseismic network design using NORSARs world leading modelling capabilities developed in the NORSAR Software Suite. NORSAR provides solutions for both onshore & offshore, surface & downhole or any combination including optimization for noise reduction.
  • Induced seismicity monitoring:
    Real time monitoring with integrated downhole and surface data processing capable of distinguishing between natural and induced seismic events, with applications in containment and injection monitoring: cap-rock integrity, CO2 storage, injection at geothermal sites and shale reservoirs.
  • Permanent Reservoir Monitoring:
    Real time processing and monitoring using a newly improved migration-based stacking method, utilizing multi-phase data, and taking full advantage of complex velocity models, and NORSARs expertise in noise suppression.