NORSAR has zero tolerance for corruption and financial fraud
NORSAR is actively working to ensure that the company's operations and ongoing projects are compliant with applicable laws and regulations.
In recent years, the board and management of NORSAR has focused particularly on prevention of corruption, financial fraud and human rights violations. NORSAR have cooperation with operations in many different countries, and the company is aware of the risks this entails. NORSAR has therefore implemented compliance in the organisations internal guidelines, procedures and systems based on the company's business activities to prevent, detect and handle any corruption issues. The company is working systematically to ensure that all employees are familiar with and comply with the compliance program in their work.
NORSAR requires that all of our suppliers, agents and other business partners comply with the zero tolerance for corruption and financial fraud as well as zero tolerance for human rights violations. NORSAR has implemented routines for control and background checks of new business partners as part of the preventive work.
Prevention of corruption, financial fraud and human rights violations is a continuous work that must be adapted as the risk picture changes from time to time. The board and management of NORSAR will also prioritize this work in the future.