
In collaboration with NVE, we develop technological solutions that monitor unstable mountain areas. The goal is a better prediction of landslides and assessment of landslides. We develop algorithms that can compare multiple data types and experiences from previously collected data. In this work, we make use of seismological methods and machine learning methods.


On behalf of ConocoPhillips, we monitor an injection well for waste water during injection campaigns. Passive data from 4D seismic installations are used to record microseismic movements. We report online on cracking and crack propagation in the underground. This creates a safe injection; unwanted cracking is avoided by adjusting the pressure to the tolerance of the formation.


In collaboration with KNMI and NAM, we have evaluated Groningen as a possible future storage site for CO2. We have defined an optimal monitoring network for induced earthquakes. In addition, we have reviewed old records to assure the quality of the earthquake evaluation and determine their source. The earthquakes are closely correlated with the production rate and pressure drop in the field. The project has provided improved analytical methods and software solutions for microseismic evaluation of both surface and well data. The project is funded by the Climit Fund, NAM and KNMI.


The Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) site at Decatur, Illinois is part of a biofuel production facility where CO2 is captured and injected deep into the subsurface. Working with partners at Illinois Geological Survey and SINTEF, we study the microseismic activity that is related to the injection of the CO2. By developing methods to more precisely locate the microseismicity and analyse its characteristics, we are able to better understand the interaction between a plume of CO2 in the subsurface and the surrounding rock. This tells us what considerations should be taken into account when planning for deep geological storage of CO2. The project is funded by CLIMIT – the Norwegian programme for research, development and demonstration of CCS technology.