MEDiate is a Horizon Europe project starting October 2022 and is funded under the Disaster-Resilient Society 2021 call.

In the next three years, the MEDiate Consortium, coordinated by NORSAR and consisting of 18 partners from 7 European Countries, involving a multi-disciplinary team of meteorological, environmental, social and geophysical scientists, civil and risk engineers, information technologists, business economists and managers, and end-users, will work together to ensure that MEDiate delivers solutions that are user-led and supported by appropriate technology.

MEDiate will develop a decision-support system (DSS) for disaster risk management by considering multiple interacting natural hazards and cascading impacts using a novel resilient-informed, service-oriented and people-centred approach that accounts for forecasted modifications in the hazard, vulnerability and exposure.

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More information on the MEDiate webpage.

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