Joanna Holmgren is joining NORSAR as part of the VISTA Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (CSD) at the Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen. Her project focuses specifically on investigating the stress field at the COSO geothermal field. The CSD’s primary objective is to develop fundamental knowledge and educate next-generation researchers to understand how subsurface fluid injection and extraction results in deformation, fault reactivation, and fracturing. The center targets critical and fundamental research questions through mathematical and numerical modeling and data analysis. 


Illustration: University of Bergen  

Collaborating with the USGS Earthquake Science Center, Joanna will be working with microseismic data from a local monitoring network, computing focal mechanisms, and studying rupture patterns, to gain insight into temporal and spatial changes in the stress field linked to the tectonic deformation and nearby fluid injections.  

 -   I’ve just finished a 3-year PostDoc at Bristol University where I worked on a few different projects.  

Joanna's previous work primarily focused on understanding earthquake source properties related to fluid-induced microseismicity in hydraulic fracturing and deep geothermal sites. Additionally, she examined ground motions of earthquakes in the southern East African Rift System and conducted an active-source DAS pilot study at the UK Geoenergy Observatory research facility in Glasgow. Joanna completed a PhD at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and a Masters at Uppsala University, Sweden, both involving research on induced seismicity. 

 -   I am very excited to start working here at NORSAR with its wide knowledge base and expertise! Everyone has been welcoming and friendly and I look forward to joining the team. 

We are eager to have Joanna begin her new role at NORSAR with us! She brings valuable expertise and experience in understanding earthquake source properties, ground motions, and active-source DAS. We look forward to collaborating with her on exciting projects to come!