Birger Steen appointed CEO of NORSAR research foundation from 1 April 2025

Birger Steen has been appointed CEO of the independent research foundation NORSAR when Anne Strømmen Lycke retires 1 April this year.
Birger Steen has been appointed CEO of the independent research foundation NORSAR when Anne Strømmen Lycke retires 1 April this year.
On December 30, a terrible landslide resulted in devastating casualties in Ask, Gjerdrum. Worried local citizens told the press about shakings they thought could be an earthquake before the landslide and contacted NORSAR. Based on our cooperation within Europe, we knew that quick clay could liquefy after earthquake although this has not been documented in Norway before.
On December 10, NORSAR handed the Earthquake Report over to the Mayor of Lillestrøm, Jørgen Vik, accompanied by representatives from the County Governor of Oslo and Viken. The event was executed partly remote, with external representatives on Teams and Romerikes Blad on site.
Norge har fått et nytt og digitalt jordskjelvsoneringskart. Det betyr at utbyggere og storsamfunnet til sammen kan spare milliarder av kroner på store utbyggingsprosjekter i årene som kommer.
NORSAR’s analysis of seismic and infrasound data reported two separate events of explosive nature near Archangelsk in North-Russia.
HOUSTON - June 13, 2018 - ION Geophysical Corporation (NYSE: IO) and NORSAR today announced the completion of a joint marketing agreement and joint software development to optimize survey design.
The Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, DPRK, conducted another nuclear test on the 3rd of September 2017, their 6th in a string of tests that started in 2006.
The seismological observatory NORSAR at Kjeller, Norway, has detected the latest underground nuclear test by North Korea.
The seismological observatory NORSAR at Kjeller, Norway, has been able to calculate an accurate location for the latest underground nuclear test by North Korea.