To supplement NORSAR's location capabilities, NORSAR exchanges through bilateral cooperation data with other seismological institutions. Depending on size and location of an event the reviewed bulletins may contain additional readings from arrays and 3-component broadband stations operated by these institutions.

Apatity Array Kola Regional Seismological Center
EDI 3C BB British Geological Survey
FINES Array University of Helsinki
Hagfors Array FOI
KBS 3C BB GEOFON / IRIS / USGS / AWI / University of Bergen
KONO 3C BB IRIS / USGS / University of Bergen
LRW 3C BB British Geological Survey
MUD 3C BB Geodatastyrelsen
VSU 3C BB GEOFON / Geological Survey of Estonia
NNSN Network University of Bergen, Norsk Nasjonalt Seismisk Nettverk