Teleseismic reviewed bulletin
The bulletins contain analyst reviewed locations from the NORSAR array (PS27).
Abbreviations used
stn - station name
amp - displacement amplitude in nanometer
per - period (sec)
vel - apparent velocity
dir - direction of approach (deg)
dst - distance to epicenter (deg)
lat - epicenter lattitude
lon - epicenter longitude
Mag - Body Wave magnitude (Mb)
Region numbers and names: flinn-engdahl
NORSAR subarrays
NAO = 60.8237N, 10.8324E, 379
NBO = 61.0307N, 10.7774E, 529
NB2 = 61.0397N, 11.2147E, 717
NC2 = 61.2807N, 10.8354E, 847
NC3 = 61.2617N, 11.4141E, 366
NC4 = 61.0790N, 11.7189E, 522
NC6 = 60.7473N, 11.4584E, 32
No bulletins were produced for the period October 1976 through September 1977. On 1. October 1976, the array was reduced from 22 to 7 subarrays, and during the first year of operating the smaller array, NORSAR produced no bulletins. Furthermore, no bulletins were produced for the months Sep/Oct/Nov 1995 as the array was down for refurbishment (replacement of old electronics and seismometers).